Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

The EFIT Landscape: Emotions as Guideposts

EFIT operates on the foundation that our emotions aren't just reactions but guideposts that highlight our deeper needs, values, and desires. By understanding our emotional responses, we can decipher the messages they convey about our inner world.

  • Layers of Emotion: Often, what we initially feel is just the surface emotion. For instance, anger might mask underlying feelings of hurt or fear. EFIT helps peel back these layers, revealing the core emotions beneath.

  • Emotional Patterns: Over time, recurring situations can lead to established emotional patterns. Recognizing these patterns is pivotal, as they often shape our actions and interactions.

EMDR's Strength: Processing the Past

While EFIT helps map the emotional terrain, EMDR dives into specific traumatic landmarks that have shaped this landscape. It acknowledges that unprocessed trauma can distort our emotional responses.

  • Memory Networks: Our brain stores related memories in networks. Traumatic memories, when triggered, can cause an avalanche of associated emotions. EMDR seeks to desensitize the distress associated with these networks.

  • Bilateral Stimulation: The core of EMDR is its use of bilateral stimulation, often through guided eye movements. This process aids the brain in integrating traumatic memories, rendering them less emotionally charged.

The Synergy: From Clarity to Integration

When combined, EFIT and EMDR offer a comprehensive pathway from understanding to healing.

  • Mapping Trauma Origins: EFIT can help individuals recognize when a strong emotional reaction is linked to past trauma. Once identified, EMDR can address and process the traumatic root.

  • Strengthening the Self: Post trauma-processing with EMDR, individuals often report a sense of lightness or relief. EFIT can further this by fostering a strengthened emotional connection to oneself, promoting self-compassion and resilience.

  • Promoting Emotional Intelligence: With the clarity derived from EFIT and the trauma resolution from EMDR, individuals can develop heightened emotional intelligence. They become adept at recognizing, understanding, and managing their emotions in various situations.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Pace of Therapy: Not everyone progresses at the same rate. Some might require extensive EFIT sessions before they're ready for EMDR, while others might alternate between the two. It's crucial to tailor the approach to the individual's comfort and readiness.

  • Potential Overwhelm: Delving into emotions and trauma can be overwhelming. Therapists need to ensure that clients have adequate coping mechanisms and support, guiding them gently through the process.

EFIT and EMDR, when harmoniously combined, provide a nuanced and comprehensive approach to emotional and trauma therapy. By first understanding and then integrating our emotional experiences, individuals can journey towards a future marked by self-awareness, emotional freedom, and inner peace. In this evolving dance of therapy, we find both the beauty of self-exploration and the power of healing.


Ready to start your journey?


Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT): Navigating the Depths of Our Emotional World


Harmonizing the Psyche: Integrating Internal Family Systems (IFS) and EMDR